If you search around Zatista for a while, a lot of what you’ll see is, in its most basic form, the very things that inspire our artists. It’s not always true, but in many instances an artist captures a certain scene, landscape or moment because something about it speaks to them.
There’s some pretty inspiring stuff out in the world: exotic destinations, beautiful natural phenomena, architecture, cities, mountains – and you’ll find images of most of those things here on the site.
I’m just as much of a sucker for poignance as the next guy, but what really speaks to me is when someone manages to make the most mundane things in life into art. It’s an incredible talent, and a rare one at that.
Personally, I’m usually too caught up in one thing or another to recognize the beauty that creeps into my daily life. All too often, my morning coffee is just a cup of coffee. Looking at pieces like this make me want to take some time to contemplate my favorite beverage.
And I’m starting to get the idea that I might be missing a lot when I travel. Like most people, I’m usually squaring up the temple in my viewfinder instead of paying attention to the two young monks working out the details of a nice clean shave.
I guess that’s just the artist’s eye coming into play. They’re like metal detectors for magic, here to remind us that sometimes it’s all about the subtleties.
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