Roman Rembovsky
Ružomberok, SLOVAKIA Slovakia
Roman Rembovsky was born in April 1977 in Rivne, Ukraine. After disintegration of USSR in 1993 his family was allowed to return to his mother's motherland, to Slovakia, smaller of successors of previous Czechoslovakia. Here he had taken a chance to s... More
Artist Statement:
Roman Rembovsky was born in April 1977 in Rivne, Ukraine. After disintegration of USSR in 1993 his family was allowed to return to his mother's motherland, to Slovakia, smaller of successors of previous Czechoslovakia. Here he had taken a chance to study fine art at the university.
Roman Rembovsky, a visual artist. Rembovsky studied at the Department of Painting and Media in Ján Berger's studio at the The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. He completed his doctoral degree at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in the studio of classical painting disciplines, Department of Painting under Prof. ?udovít Hološka.
Rembovsky is the artist with formed, well-recognised authorial style of execution and conceptual vision. With his work, he boldly enters the European artistic space, and with his original perception and interpretation of the surrounding reality, he attracts viewers and art connoisseurs.
The dominant feature in Rembovky‘s paintings is the human figure with his shortcomings, suffering, anxiety and encounters, often confused and vulnerable.
Although the pictorial-plastic speech of realism is observable in the outline of figural compositions, his canvases are not just images of reality, they are unexpected, sharp, sincere and sometimes even shocking plot twists of human existence.
The naked models are vulnerable and emotional, depicted by the author in various philosophical-existential situations. Through the prism of his own vision, the artist transforms human emotions and pours impressions and feelings on the canvas from what is seen and experienced. In his works, everything is thought out down to the smallest detail. For the power of expression of decorative compositions, the artist uses means such as metaphor, allegory, grotesque. This approach significantly increases emotionality of the depicted actors.
Rembovsky's work is characterised by his desire to understand the meaning of human existence, despair and loneliness. In the nature of deeply thought-out scenes, we always read a tragic subtext. The artist observes the whole spectrum of emotions through the prism of colour and form, light and shadow.
At times, the author shocks the audience with sincere scenes of stripped models as if shouting at society, but when analyzing the content of the story, it can be understood that the artist skillfully, masterfully reveals not so much the body as the soul of the characters. We see metamorphoses of personal existence, the drama of human experiences which are really impressive when translated into the language of painting.
Rembovsky's paintings presented here encourage the viewer to deep reflection, reassessment of values in relation to the perception of the human body and the search for harmony between the physical and the spiritual.
Prof. Olha Lukovska Dr hab in Art, art critic, curator.
At the beginning of his independent career, spontaneity and naturalism, together with an artistic element, led him to new experiences and his expression in his painting. His paintings accentuate the nature of dialog, covert contradictions, the complexity of life, and the ambiguity of self. From originally a simple and basic contrast of beauty and ugliness, a multiple contradiction has stood out within his paintings, underlining the dominant theme, and his artistic realization and interpretation.
His work developed from intensively decorative but colour sensitive compositions through careful observation of reality to today’s rationalization of his expression. Rembovsky has been seeking to discipline his spontaneity throughout his artistic journey. In this way, he has challenged and acquired fuller individual expression, which captures the initial conception adding tension and intensity.
The pragmatism, new pragmatism, psychological and contextual themes in his work have the ambition to urgently give an account of the existential situation of humans. He expresses fascination with artistic form, triumph of phenomenon, beauty of textiles, and attraction to the boundless variability of human body shapes and psychological meaning of their gestures and body language. Underneath all this, there is an autonomous expression of fine art means such as using black colour on black. These are the features of the present artist’s work. It is characterized by the oscillation of meanings, exposure of a human being, narrating stories by painting about different situations and moments. In this mixture, there is a presence of continuous self-reflection in his self-portrait.
Prof. Ludovit Holoska Akad. mal
Roman Rembovsky is a visual artist who works in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. His works are a part of institutional and private collections in Slovakia, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, China, Japan, USA.
He has participated in many group exhibitions and events in Europe and published in various magazines.
Roman Rembovsky, a visual artist. Rembovsky studied at the Department of Painting and Media in Ján Berger's studio at the The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. He completed his doctoral degree at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in the studio of classical painting disciplines, Department of Painting under Prof. ?udovít Hološka.
Rembovsky is the artist with formed, well-recognised authorial style of execution and conceptual vision. With his work, he boldly enters the European artistic space, and with his original perception and interpretation of the surrounding reality, he attracts viewers and art connoisseurs.
The dominant feature in Rembovky‘s paintings is the human figure with his shortcomings, suffering, anxiety and encounters, often confused and vulnerable.
Although the pictorial-plastic speech of realism is observable in the outline of figural compositions, his canvases are not just images of reality, they are unexpected, sharp, sincere and sometimes even shocking plot twists of human existence.
The naked models are vulnerable and emotional, depicted by the author in various philosophical-existential situations. Through the prism of his own vision, the artist transforms human emotions and pours impressions and feelings on the canvas from what is seen and experienced. In his works, everything is thought out down to the smallest detail. For the power of expression of decorative compositions, the artist uses means such as metaphor, allegory, grotesque. This approach significantly increases emotionality of the depicted actors.
Rembovsky's work is characterised by his desire to understand the meaning of human existence, despair and loneliness. In the nature of deeply thought-out scenes, we always read a tragic subtext. The artist observes the whole spectrum of emotions through the prism of colour and form, light and shadow.
At times, the author shocks the audience with sincere scenes of stripped models as if shouting at society, but when analyzing the content of the story, it can be understood that the artist skillfully, masterfully reveals not so much the body as the soul of the characters. We see metamorphoses of personal existence, the drama of human experiences which are really impressive when translated into the language of painting.
Rembovsky's paintings presented here encourage the viewer to deep reflection, reassessment of values in relation to the perception of the human body and the search for harmony between the physical and the spiritual.
Prof. Olha Lukovska Dr hab in Art, art critic, curator.
At the beginning of his independent career, spontaneity and naturalism, together with an artistic element, led him to new experiences and his expression in his painting. His paintings accentuate the nature of dialog, covert contradictions, the complexity of life, and the ambiguity of self. From originally a simple and basic contrast of beauty and ugliness, a multiple contradiction has stood out within his paintings, underlining the dominant theme, and his artistic realization and interpretation.
His work developed from intensively decorative but colour sensitive compositions through careful observation of reality to today’s rationalization of his expression. Rembovsky has been seeking to discipline his spontaneity throughout his artistic journey. In this way, he has challenged and acquired fuller individual expression, which captures the initial conception adding tension and intensity.
The pragmatism, new pragmatism, psychological and contextual themes in his work have the ambition to urgently give an account of the existential situation of humans. He expresses fascination with artistic form, triumph of phenomenon, beauty of textiles, and attraction to the boundless variability of human body shapes and psychological meaning of their gestures and body language. Underneath all this, there is an autonomous expression of fine art means such as using black colour on black. These are the features of the present artist’s work. It is characterized by the oscillation of meanings, exposure of a human being, narrating stories by painting about different situations and moments. In this mixture, there is a presence of continuous self-reflection in his self-portrait.
Prof. Ludovit Holoska Akad. mal
Roman Rembovsky is a visual artist who works in Ruzomberok, Slovakia. His works are a part of institutional and private collections in Slovakia, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, China, Japan, USA.
He has participated in many group exhibitions and events in Europe and published in various magazines.
2010: Academy of fine arts, Banská Bystrica — Art.D.
Department of painting, Institute of free visual art, Prof. Ludovít Hološka
2005: Academy of fine arts and design, Bratislava — Mgr. art.
Department of painting, Prof. Ján Berger
2003: Academy of fine arts, Banská Bystrica — Bc. Department of painting, Prof. Ludovít Hološka
Department of painting, Institute of free visual art, Prof. Ludovít Hološka
2005: Academy of fine arts and design, Bratislava — Mgr. art.
Department of painting, Prof. Ján Berger
2003: Academy of fine arts, Banská Bystrica — Bc. Department of painting, Prof. Ludovít Hološka
Awards & Distinctions:
2022 - Lunar Codex - Nominated- Toronto, Canada
2013 - Retro of Lviv - Lviv (Palace of Art), Ukraine
2004 - Tatrabanka's Award for Academy students - Nominated- Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
2013 - Retro of Lviv - Lviv (Palace of Art), Ukraine
2004 - Tatrabanka's Award for Academy students - Nominated- Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Solo exhibitions
• 2022 - Cataclysms / Tatra Gallery, - Poprad, Slovakia
• 2022 - Small stories, great history / Slovak National Gallery, ?udovít Fulla Gallery - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2022 - Little drama / Slovak National Gallery, ?udovíta Fullu Gallery - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2020 - In the silence / Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovský in Tren?ín - Tren?in, Slovakia
• 2020 - Small stories / Mikulas Galanda's Gallery - Turcianske Teplice, Slovakia
• 2015 - Days of Slovak Art in Lviv / Palace of Art - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2013 - Lviske retro / Palace of Art - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2012 - Sui Generis / Orava Gallery - Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
• 2011 - Rags / Bratislava - Guba gallery, Slovakia
• 2011 - Rags / Guba gallery - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2010 - Paitings / Gallery of central Slovakia, House of Bethlen - Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2009 - Mertva Natura / Gallery of central Slovakia, Room 19_21, Mansion of Dominik Skutecky - Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2008 - Pictures otherwise / Orava Gallery - Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
• 2007 - Paitings / Liptauer museum - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2007 - Paitings / Šarišská gallery - Prešov, Slovenia
• 2007 - Sen @ Andersen / Tatra Gallery - Poprad, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paitings / Museum of Nova Ba?a - Nová Ba?a, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paintings / Galery of Sozialrefferat of Munchen - Munchen, Germany
• 2004 - Paitings / Gallery Villa Rustica - Bratislava, Slovakia
Group exhibitions
• 2020 - Image / Mestske muzeum, Pudni galerie muzea - Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Czechia
• 2020 - Image / Kysucka Gallery - Oscadnica, Slovakia
• 2020 - Image / Palf´ys palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2019 - Image / Záhorská Gallery Jána Mudrocha - Senica, Slovakia
• 2017 - Days of Slovak Art in Lviv / Palace of - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2016 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2015 - Paintings / Liptauer museum - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2015 - Paintings / Slovak National Gallery, Gallery of Ludovit Fulla - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2014 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2013 - Slovak culture / Maison de ?Artisanat et des Métiers ?Art - Marseille, France
• 2013 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2012 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2011 - Po Scu 3, Biennial of Yung Art / Gallery of Eastern - Kosice, Slovakia
• 2011 - Scooter 3, Biennial of Yung Art / Gallery of Jan Koniarik - Trnava, Slovakia
• 2011 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2011 - Figurama / National Technical library - Praha, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Guest - Facultat de Bellas Artes Valencia - Valencia, Spain
• 2010 - Figurama / Looka Riding School - Znojmo, Czechia
• 2010 - International Biennal of Drawing / Museum of Western Bohemia - Plzen, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Avalon Business Centre - Plzen, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Gallery of central Slovakia, House of Bethlen - Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2010 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Exhibition at Hotel Kempinski - Bratislava, Slo-vakia
• 2010 - Kocelova 23 / NItra gallery - Nitra, Slovakia
• 2010 - Kocelova 23 / Hous of art - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2010 - Rules and exceptions. / Slovak National Gallery, Gallery of Ludovit Fulla - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Museum of Novograd - Lucenec, Slovakia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Marlszalkowska Gallery - Olsztyn, Poland
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Galleri of Vladimir Hroch - Uherske Hradiste, Czechia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Town gallery - Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
• 2009 - Paintings / Gallery of central Slovakia, Pretorium - Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2009 - Paitings / PF Galleries - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2008 - Natura - morte / PF Galleries - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2007 - Reality interpretation / Hous of art - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2007 - Warsztaty / AMV Gallery - Myslenice, Poland
• 2005 - Paintings / Gallery S. Prokopa - Pezinok, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paintings / Miro Gallery - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2003 - Internacional exhibition, internacional competition. / Tazones - Tazones, Spain
• 2003 - Nomination of Tatrabanka Prize / Gallery
• 2022 - Cataclysms / Tatra Gallery, - Poprad, Slovakia
• 2022 - Small stories, great history / Slovak National Gallery, ?udovít Fulla Gallery - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2022 - Little drama / Slovak National Gallery, ?udovíta Fullu Gallery - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2020 - In the silence / Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovský in Tren?ín - Tren?in, Slovakia
• 2020 - Small stories / Mikulas Galanda's Gallery - Turcianske Teplice, Slovakia
• 2015 - Days of Slovak Art in Lviv / Palace of Art - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2013 - Lviske retro / Palace of Art - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2012 - Sui Generis / Orava Gallery - Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
• 2011 - Rags / Bratislava - Guba gallery, Slovakia
• 2011 - Rags / Guba gallery - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2010 - Paitings / Gallery of central Slovakia, House of Bethlen - Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2009 - Mertva Natura / Gallery of central Slovakia, Room 19_21, Mansion of Dominik Skutecky - Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2008 - Pictures otherwise / Orava Gallery - Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
• 2007 - Paitings / Liptauer museum - Ružomberok, Slovakia
• 2007 - Paitings / Šarišská gallery - Prešov, Slovenia
• 2007 - Sen @ Andersen / Tatra Gallery - Poprad, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paitings / Museum of Nova Ba?a - Nová Ba?a, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paintings / Galery of Sozialrefferat of Munchen - Munchen, Germany
• 2004 - Paitings / Gallery Villa Rustica - Bratislava, Slovakia
Group exhibitions
• 2020 - Image / Mestske muzeum, Pudni galerie muzea - Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Czechia
• 2020 - Image / Kysucka Gallery - Oscadnica, Slovakia
• 2020 - Image / Palf´ys palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2019 - Image / Záhorská Gallery Jána Mudrocha - Senica, Slovakia
• 2017 - Days of Slovak Art in Lviv / Palace of - Lvov, Ukraine
• 2016 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2015 - Paintings / Liptauer museum - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2015 - Paintings / Slovak National Gallery, Gallery of Ludovit Fulla - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2014 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2013 - Slovak culture / Maison de ?Artisanat et des Métiers ?Art - Marseille, France
• 2013 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2012 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2011 - Po Scu 3, Biennial of Yung Art / Gallery of Eastern - Kosice, Slovakia
• 2011 - Scooter 3, Biennial of Yung Art / Gallery of Jan Koniarik - Trnava, Slovakia
• 2011 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Erdody palace - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2011 - Figurama / National Technical library - Praha, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Guest - Facultat de Bellas Artes Valencia - Valencia, Spain
• 2010 - Figurama / Looka Riding School - Znojmo, Czechia
• 2010 - International Biennal of Drawing / Museum of Western Bohemia - Plzen, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Avalon Business Centre - Plzen, Czechia
• 2010 - Figurama / Gallery of central Slovakia, House of Bethlen - Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2010 - White @ Weiss ART AUCTION / EXHIBITION / Exhibition at Hotel Kempinski - Bratislava, Slo-vakia
• 2010 - Kocelova 23 / NItra gallery - Nitra, Slovakia
• 2010 - Kocelova 23 / Hous of art - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2010 - Rules and exceptions. / Slovak National Gallery, Gallery of Ludovit Fulla - Ruzomberok, Slovakia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Museum of Novograd - Lucenec, Slovakia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Marlszalkowska Gallery - Olsztyn, Poland
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Galleri of Vladimir Hroch - Uherske Hradiste, Czechia
• 2009 - Rules and exceptions. / Town gallery - Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
• 2009 - Paintings / Gallery of central Slovakia, Pretorium - Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
• 2009 - Paitings / PF Galleries - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2008 - Natura - morte / PF Galleries - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2007 - Reality interpretation / Hous of art - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2007 - Warsztaty / AMV Gallery - Myslenice, Poland
• 2005 - Paintings / Gallery S. Prokopa - Pezinok, Slovakia
• 2005 - Paintings / Miro Gallery - Bratislava, Slovakia
• 2003 - Internacional exhibition, internacional competition. / Tazones - Tazones, Spain
• 2003 - Nomination of Tatrabanka Prize / Gallery
Artistic Influences:
Rembovsky is influensed by historical and conteporary realistic tentendencies.
Artist Tags:
figures, realism, textile sceneries, the holy pictures, objects, figural compositions
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