17Dec Mapping a Route to Original Artwork We’re all familiar with the routes in our lives—the streets we drive along on our way to work, the trails we trace as we move from one home to... Penelope Comment | 1 views | 590
10Dec Pick a Style…Any Style At the banquet of life I'm a buffet person. I'm not much for routine... Nancy Comment | 0 views | 553
08Dec Fruit Flies & Godzilla Sets While researching tiny art for my previous post, I came across some examples of art that were not small in size themselves. Instead, the artwork portrayed tiny subjects—or subjects... Penelope Comment | 0 views | 573
01Dec Found Art: Lisa Kristine I have to admit, I didn't expect to find my new favorite photographer while browsing in touristy downtown Sonoma... Jaime Comment | 0 views | 630