08Mar Got A Light? How have you used light to create warmth and enjoyment in your own home? Have you ever gotten nasty letters from your landlord when he found out that you... Jaime Comment | 0 views | 538
11Feb Turn Up the Warmth in Any Room If the walls of your home feature little more than an IKEA bulletin board and a couple of old AC/DC posters, your home is probably about as a warm... Jaime Comment | 1 views | 606
12Jan Original Art For All Seasons Maybe you prefer to hang your original art once, never moving it until it's absolutely necessary... Jaime Comment | 1 views | 732
01Dec Found Art: Lisa Kristine I have to admit, I didn't expect to find my new favorite photographer while browsing in touristy downtown Sonoma... Jaime Comment | 0 views | 600