Fact: Locations that have plain white walls…
Interrogation rooms
Question: What do these four locations have in common (besides being the setting for every episode of CSI)?
A lack of warmth.
That’s right. You don’t go to the local prison to share a feel good moment. Sure, the subject matter might have something to do with it, but consider this: if the walls of your home feature little more than an IKEA bulletin board and a couple of old AC/DC posters, your home is probably about as a warm as the set of a detective show.
Warmth Tip #1: Art is where the heart is.
If you find a particular piece of art moving or inspiring, chances are your friends and family will feel the love as well.
Warmth Tip #2: Choose wall art that represents your values and interests.
For example, if you’re a travel fanatic, showcase a series of sunsets from around the world.
Warmth Tip #3: Tell a story.
Find three photographs that can tell their own story when hung in sequence.
Warmth Tip #4: Add a splash of color.
Vivid Reds, oranges, yellows, and deep greens automatically add warmth to any room.
[…] Featured On Zatista’s Blog A Second Week Running!! Check it out!! February 13, 2010 by jenniferchilds Turn Up the Warmth in Any Room […]